GET serviceowner/consents?serviceCode={serviceCode}&serviceEditionCode={serviceEditionCode}&status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]}&continuation={continuation}

Get a list of all consents offered by reportees for the specified service.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
queryOptions OData Query details. This object is created by the Framework based on parameters in the url.


serviceCode (Required) The external service code for the service

Define this parameter in the request URI.

serviceEditionCode (Required) The external service edition code for the service

Define this parameter in the request URI.

status Array of consent status to included in the list. Possible statuses are 'Active' and 'Revoked'. By default both statuses are included in the returned list.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

continuation Continuation token to continue this query from a previous response. Each response that returns a non-empty list of consents will also contain a valid continuation token, based on the last consent in the list. The format is {timestamp}_{id}, where the timestamp format is yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fff. Example of continuation token: 2020-01-01T08:30:00.010_23

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Response Information

Returns a list of consents for the specified service.

Response body formats



Sample not available.


  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "sample string 29"
  "_embedded": {
    "sample string 69": [
        "ConsentId": 1,
        "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 74",
        "Status": "sample string 34",
        "OfferedBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "CoveredBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "HandledBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "Created": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "ValidTo": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "LastChanged": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "sample string 90"
        "ConsentId": 1,
        "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 74",
        "Status": "sample string 34",
        "OfferedBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "CoveredBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "HandledBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "Created": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "ValidTo": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "LastChanged": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "sample string 90"
        "ConsentId": 1,
        "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 74",
        "Status": "sample string 34",
        "OfferedBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "CoveredBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "HandledBy": {
          "ReporteeId": "sample string 70",
          "PartyUUID": "61044e64-2f90-4833-b5c9-47a273a8c0fc",
          "Name": "sample string 73",
          "Type": "sample string 17",
          "SocialSecurityNumber": "sample string 61",
          "OrganizationNumber": "sample string 94",
          "ParentOrganizationNumber": "sample string 2",
          "OrganizationForm": "sample string 93",
          "Status": "sample string 88"
        "Created": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "ValidTo": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "LastChanged": "2024-04-24T17:26:34.8615893+02:00",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "sample string 90"
  "continuationtoken": "sample string 16"